Harvard AP Centre Private Lesson Policy


Please read the following terms carefully:

1. 预订本中心私教课程(包括一对一及四人以内小组课)时间,需提前缴纳8次课学费作为订金。学生由于个人原因取消预订时间档,所交学费不予退还。
To reserve a private lesson (i.e. one-on-one or small group with 4 or less students) slot, eight sessions’ tuition fee must be paid in advance as a deposit. There will be no refund if the student quits for any personal reasons.

2. 私教课程交费方式为:每期至少缴纳8次课学费,需在该期第一次上课时交。如未能按时交学费,学校有权利将该时间调剂给其他学生。最后一期交费时,若剩余不足8次课,按实际剩余次数收取。学生由于自己原因中途放弃课程的学习,所交学费不予退还。
The private lessons must be paid at one time for at least next eight sessions in advance. Any unpaid tuition fee will result in an uncertainty of future slots. The final payment will be based on the amount of sessions left, if there are less than 8 sessions.There will be no refund if the student quits for any personal reasons.

3. 学生请假或要求更改上课时间,不论何种原因,需至少提前24小时文字通知学校行政人员或任课教师,并得到确认回复,否则该次课学费按上课正常收取。老师会向学生提供该次所缺课程的幻灯片、讲义、练习和答案等所需资料。
To cancel or reschedule a session, students or parents must notify the school or a tutor in writing at least 24 hours before that class commencing and get approved. Any cancellation or rescheduling made within 24 hours will receive no refund. The tutor will provide related notes, PPTs, handouts, review questions or quiz questions/answers to the students without any extra costs.

4. 本中心的所有课程资料(包括课程讲义、幻灯片、练习题、视频录像等)均属哈佛AP中心的知识产权。未经本中心许可,任何个人或单位,以任何方式转发这些资料都构成侵犯版权行为,本中心将启动法律程序,追究侵权者的法律责任。
All materials of our courses (include: course handouts, lecture slides, practice questions, video readings, etc.) are the intellectual property of the Harvard AP Education. Redistribution of these materials by any means without permission of the copyright holder constitutes a breach of copyright and may lead to legal actions and corresponding prosecutions.